
Sunday, 1 November 2015


Kāpiti Arts Trail

Site event

The Kāpiti Arts Trail showcases a wonderfully diverse range of art. One of the Kāpiti coast's most significant cultural events, the trail has been running for 15 years, involving artists the length of the district from Ōtaki to Paekākāriki. For the first time this year, artists will be displaying their works over two weekends - 31 Oct/1 Nov & 7/8 Nov (10am to 5pm each day) - giving you more time to visit the different sites and talk to artists.  

62 studio artists, 14 artists in two hubs and 11 galleries will be exhibiting in a wide range of mediums - sculpture, paintings, pottery, jewellery, ceramics, glass art, tiles, masks, fibre creations, drawings, prints, collage, mosaics, carvings, weaving, photography, totem poles, wooden flutes and furniture.

See the website for a lot more information: Kāpiti Arts Trail