Important - Earthquake update: Wineera Drive, Mohuia, Kapiti & Auckland campuses are open

Important - Earthquake update: Wineera Drive, Mohuia, Kapiti & Auckland campuses are open

Renee Catherall -
Number of replies: 0

All our Wellington City campuses will be closed until inspected for damage. Staff and students should not attend until advised.

These campuses include: Media Training Centre - Dixon Street, Radio Training School, Performance Centre - Vivian Street, Film School - Vivian Street, Wellington Campus - Cuba Street.

ALL OTHER CAMPUSES ARE OPEN AS USUAL. These campuses include Wineera Drive, Mohuia, Kapiti and Auckland.

(Edited by Online Learning Centre - original submission Sunday, 21 July 2013, 10:17 PM)

(Edited by Online Learning Centre - original submission Monday, 22 July 2013, 9:10 AM)