Getting your results online

Getting your results online

Whitireia Online -
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Whitireia is pleased to announce the launch of Online Student Results. With Online Student Results, students can now check for their provisional marks and grades online. 

Use one of the following links to access your marks and grades:

The following guide provides step-by-step instruction using Online Student Results:

I am not sure if I am a Whitireia NZ student or a Whitireia PTE/WNZL student. Which link should I use?

If you have a 6 digit student ID number, that ranges between 110000 - 169999 (the first two digits represents the year of first enrolment), then use the Whitireia PTE/WNZL students link:

All other students are to use the Whitireia NZ link:

If you are still unsure which link to use ask your tutor or a faculty administrator for advice.

What is a provisional result?

A provisional result is the initial mark or grade that still needs to go through a process to verify it is correct and are subject to change.

What if I do not agree with a provisional result?

Students are encouraged to discuss any concerns about an assessment result with the tutor . You will find additional information about the assessment process in your Programme Handbook and individual Course Descriptors/Outlines.

Further information on the assessment regulations can be found in the Academic Statute document (pg 7. Challenging Assessment Results).

Where can I get help and support if I am stuck?

If you require help and support to access your provisional results online, contact the Student Help Desk in person on the first floor of the Porirua Campus library building, or email or phone 0800 944 847 ext 3721.