Porirua Campus: Paramedic Mass Casualty Exercise

Porirua Campus: Paramedic Mass Casualty Exercise

Whitireia Online -
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The Paramedic programme will be running a mass casualty incident exercise on Tuesday 31st May on Porirua campus from 12pm to 4pm.

The first year students will be playing the role of patients, and will have casualty make-up applied to look like trauma victims (fake blood, prosthetic wounds, etc.). They will be acting as if they had been involved in a real disaster; screaming in pain, wondering around looking confused and frightened, etc.


The scenario will be set up in D335, in the adjacent small rooms, in the basketball court next to the garage where the Training Ambulance is parked, and in the garage itself. If the weather is poor, we may be using indoor spaces which include the Learning Street in the Wk building, some of the downstairs classrooms in Wk, and Wk140 and 140B (the high-fidelity clinical labs). If the weather is good, more of the scenario will be run outdoors on the grass and concrete areas.

Please do not be alarmed if you see people walking around looking injured during these hours. There will be a number of Paramedic tutors around who will be easily identifiable; if you’re in any doubt, then don’t hesitate to approach one of them to confirm that what you’re seeing is part of the exercise and not a real emergency.​